Installing WordPress with Softaculous 1 click app installer is a breeze and can be completed with a few simple clicks.
First we must login cPanel and find Softaculous on the web panel.

Install WordPress

In the Software Setup we need to configure some settings.
Make sure to install the latest version of WordPress and select https. If you want your WordPress site to be installed as the main root website for your domain then leave In Directory blank.
Enter Site Name, Description, Admin Account Details and Language. Finally select Advanced Options.

Select if you with to Auto Upgrade the WordPress Plugins and Themes, enabled Automated backups to once a day and set the Backup Rotation to 7 days which should be plenty enough to ensure your data is secured and intact.
Click on Install at the bottom of the page and wait a few moments for WordPress to Install. Once this has been completed you will be presented with the install success confirmation and links to your new WordPress site.

If you have any issues installing cPanel on your Web on Speed cPanel hosting then please submit a support ticket to our team and we will help you out.